Europalite Brochure

MANUFACTURERS AND SUPPL I ERS OF H I GH QUAL I T Y PRODUCTS TO THE CONSTRUCT I ON , ROAD BU I LD I NG AND TRAFF I C MANAGEMENT I NDUSTR I ES . Our wide range includes traffic barriers and separators, road cones, traffic safety signs, building and winter associated products. As well as manufacturing our own range of products, Europalite have built up a reputation for being a high quality moulder and we are proud to have designed, developed and manufactured products for our customers. We are aware of the impact our products have on the environment and the need to protect the environment for future generations. As a result of this our products are manufactured from recycled materials where ever possible and our entire product range is 100% recyclable at the end of its useful life. Europalite has a policy of continuous improvement, we continue to invest in our staff and infrastructure to provide a manufacturing facility to meet our mission. Quality products delivered on time to meet our customer requirements. Please see back cover showing depot locations & contact details, Europalite is a trading division of Marwood Group Ltd. CONTENTS Europalite has a policy of continuous improvement and reserves the right to change product specifications and prices without prior notice. Europalite reserve the right to change specifications without notice. All weights and dimensions quoted are nominal. 2 Separators & Barriers 3 - 5 Kerbs 6 Cones, Signs & Ramps 7 - 9 Building Materials 10 Winter Products 11